郭同旭 [Guō Tóngxù]: 佛入東土。上・下 [Fó rù dōng tǔ.郭同旭 [Guō Tóngxù] shàng ・ xià. =Buddha enters the East I-II]
ISBN: 9787569003635
四川大学出版社 [Sìchuān dàxué chūbǎnshè =Sichuan University Press]. 2017. (24)+294+(4)+295-615 pages. Hard-cover, two volumes. The boards are bumped. Stamps: "Utgallrad" on the title pages. With plates.
Genre: Kina, Japan & Korea
Genre: Kina, Japan & Korea
Pris: 400 kr
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